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Economic and political stability
Home to international agency
International event s’ expertise
Extremely rich food culture
Strong support of the highest institutions
Expo 2015, an engine for territorial development
A central location and huge attraction for tourists
Hotel capacity
Adequate existing infra structure
A developed, vigorous international economy
Trade fairs and advanced skills
Solidarity and voluntary work
Multi culturalism and integration
Arts and culture
The distinguishing elements of Expo Milano 2015, Ita ly
Expected visitors
1.1 The titles and themes of the exposition
The full title of the exposition is “WORLD EXPOSITION MILANO 2015, ITALY”, to be abbreviated to“EXPO MILANO 2015, ITALY”
1.2 The choice of the opening period
Expo Milano 2015 will open on 1 May and close on 31 October 2015.
Daily opening hours will be from 9.00am to 1.00am:
Expo Day: 9.00am till 9.00pm
Expo Night: 9.00pm till 1.00am.
1.3 Seven thousand events over the 6 months of Expo 2015
During the six months of the world exposition, Milan will be
transformed into the most lively and diverse showcase on the planet,
basking in the media spotlight and becoming a true “world stage”.
1.3.1 Creating a schedule of events: bringing together all the organising bodies
1.3.2 La Triennale di Milano
1.3.3 The pro g ramme of activities
1.3.4 Other events linked to Milan 2015
2.1 International reasons
Mission of the World Exposition Milano 2015, Italy:
“Share your meal with your neighbours and you will understand better his culture, his identity and you will learn to love your neighbours as yourself”
2.1.1 “Feeding the planet, energy for life”: an opportunity for dialogue, co-operation and policy making involving all countries around the world
2.1.2 The UN Millennium Campaign
2.1.3 International reasons to back the choice of Italy to host the Expo: a country always open to dialogue between cultures
2.2 National reasons
Milan’s decision to bid for the World Exposition 2015 stemmed from a powerful convergence between local authorities and the national government which, at the Council of Ministers held on 27 October 2006, approved the city’s election as representative for the entire country.
2.3 Local reasons
2.3.1 Development inspired by the principles of environmental sustainability
2.3.2 Reinforcing the city's image and diversification of production
2.3.3 Consolidation of Milanese tourism
2.3.4 A more sustainable transport and mobility policy for the general public
2.3.5 A stronger international profile
2.4 The roots of the Expo
3.1 Full support from all levels of government
3.2 The whole of Ita ly wants Expo 2015
3.2.1 All Italy's institutions and government coalitions back Milan's bid
3.3 Perception of the event and support of interest groups and the general public
3.4 Agreement with the trades unions
3.5 No areas of uncertainty regarding organisation of the Expo
3.5.1 Italy: a growing nation
3.5.2 A stable political and institutional system
3. 5.3 Wide autonomy for local authorities in specific areas  of competence
3.5.4 A strong and vibrant economy
3.5.5 Lombard and Milanese excellence
3.5.6 Milan City Council’s financial stability
3.6 Land use agreement
4.1 The goals of the Expo and its value
4.1.1 The ex p e c tations of contemporary society
4.1.2 The goals of the Exposition
4.2 A theme that meet man’s needs
4.2.1 A coherent choice for Italy and for Milan
4.2.2 National and international challenges
4.2.3 The backing of international scientific expertise
4.2.4 The run-up to the Expo: Best Practices
4.3 The clear links with other Expositions
4.4 International, national and lo cal interest
4.5 Goals linked to the theme
4.6 Human and social aspirations and pro tection of the environment
4.7 International participation
4.8 An opportunity for constructive and non-controversial debate
4.9 Every country may take part in the Expo preparations
5.1 The theme and its sub-themes
5.1.1 Sub-theme 1: Science for food safety, security and quality
5.1.2 Sub-theme 2: Innovation in the agro food supply chain
5.1.3 Sub-theme 3: Technology for agriculture and biodiversity
5.1.4 Sub-theme 4: Dietary education
5.1.5 Sub-theme 5: solidarity and co - operation on fo o d
5.1.6 Sub-theme 6: Food for better life styles
5.1.7 Sub-theme 7: Food in the world’s cultures and ethnic groups
5.3 Group classifications and, within each group , a listing of all possible types of activity and product associated with the group and with the theme of the exposition
6.1 Declaration of guarantee by the Italian Government
6.2 Great Event declaration and extraordinary powers for the Mayor of Milan
6.3 The draft general regulations and participation contract
6.4 The Bidding Committee
6.5 Overall event governance: Organisation Committee and Commissioner General Structure
6.5.1 Type of Organising Committee and its juridical form
6.5.2 Integration with existing local authorities
6.5.3 Authorisation of infrastructure projects
6.6 Operational processes
6.6.1 Task planning
6.6.2 Auditing, risk management and reporting
6.6.3 Financial / management control
6.7 Special treatment for foreign nationals
6.8 Status of Commissioners General
7.1 The Expo communication and promotion plan
7.1.1 Expo Mission and Values
7.1.2 The goals of the communication plan
7.1.3 Target Groups
7.1.4 Positioning and key messages of the Expo 2015 communication plan
7.1.5 The strategy and the tools needed to achieve the goals
7.1.6 The roll-out of the communication plan
7.2 The stages
7.3 The theme chosen for Expo Milano 2015 is ideal for involving many organisations and interest groups
7.4 The invo lvement of governmental organisations and specialised communication agencies will ensure the effectiveness of the plan
7.5 The logo and the mascot: two pillars of the communication strategy
7.5.1 The Vitruvian man: the symbol of the new Milanese humanism
7.5.2 The new logo and the mascot
8.1 Milan: population, economy, culture, trade fairs, conventions, events and tourism
8.1.1 The Economy
8.1.2 Culture
8.1.3 Conferences, trade fairs and events
8.2 Services for tourists
8.3 The transport network
8.3.1 The distribution of demand by geographical area and transport mode
8.3.2 Analysis of transport modes in domestic/international convergence on Lombardy (step 1)
8.3.3 Capacity of the Lombard airport system
8.3.4 Milan and Expo connections to the Lombard airports
8.3.5 The capacity of the rail system
8.3.6 Road access
8.4 Infra structure renewal for mobility and legacy
8.4.1 Projects planned on the ra i lway network
8.4.2 Projects planned on the urban Metro network
8.4.3 Projects planned on the motorway network
8.4.4 Projects planned on the road system near the Expo
8.5 Milan toward Expo 2015 – the new face of the city
8.6 The site fra m ework: the transport connections are already adequate for the needs of the Expo
8.6.1 Entrance to the exposition area (Step 2)
8.6.2 Sustainability of the Milan-Lombardy transport system
8.6.3 The capacity of the railway network
8.6.4 The capacity of the urban lines
8.6.5 Road network and parking system
8.6.6 Freight transport
9.1 A site that lets participant countries show themselves at their best
9.1.1 The scale is adequate for the expected number of participants
9.1.2 Other sites connected with the Expo
9.2 The site, new construction and existing buildings
9.3 Site layout: all the benefits of closeness to the fairg rounds, without interference
9.4 The land is available today and a large scale programme for its re-use is already in place
9.4.1 Use of the areas after the Expo
9.5 Site organisation and layout of pavilions: Milan has already deve loped its Operating Plan
9.5.1 Description of the site
9.6 Expo services for the comfort and safety of visitors
9.6.1 Restaurants and refreshments
9.6.2 On-site transport
9.7 Bioclimatic planning for outdoor areas
9.8 Attractions for children and youngsters
9.9 Expo-related conferences, seminars and presentations
9.9.1 Facilities for shows
9.9.2 Thematic pavilions
9.9.3 Examples of initiatives that could be proposed in various spaces within the Expo 2015 site
9.9.4 Initiatives and events proposed by the City of Milan for Expo 2015
9.10 Indications for stands and pavilions
9.10.1 Best practice area
9.11 Use of pavilions after the Expo
10.1 Participant country characteristics and numbers
10.2 Pavilion construction rules
10.3 Exhibition space
10.4 Permanent and temporary structures
10.5 Pavilion assignments
10.6 Outdoor areas for food and refreshments
10.7 Minimum and maximum space allocation
10.8 Site geology and hydrogeology
10.9 Expo planning and construction regulations
11.1 Where the visitors come from: an audience from five continents
11.2 Methodology for estimating tourist flows from the three areas of origin
11.3 Estimated potential visitors to Expo Milano 2015
11.3.1 Estimated visitors from Area 1 (Northern Ita ly )
11.3.2 Estimated visitors from Area 2 (Central/Southern Ita ly + Europe )
11.3.3 Estimated visitors from Area 3 (Rest of the world )
11.4 Strategies for promoting the Expo: an alliance with fo reign tour operators and Italian tourism
11.4.1 Possible package tours for visiting the Expo
11.5 Peak visiting periods
11.6 Milan reflects the world: abroad diplomatic presence
11.7 Promotion of the Expo to specific interest groups
11.8 Celebrations, events and special shows
11.8.1 The opening and closing ceremonies
11.9 Studies on the predicted numbers of visitors
11.9.1 The results of the study
11.9.2 The expectations of Milan
11.9.3 A theme of broad interest to everyone
11.9.4 Forms of participation in the Expo
11.9.5 Opinion on public transport services planned for the Expo
11.9.6 Frequency of visits to the site: the size of the area is sufficient to accommodate all visitors
11.9.7 The ave rage length of visit based on the region of origin: accommodation in Milan and the neighbouring areas is already more that adequate to meet the demand
11.9.8 Access to Milan and the Expo
11.10 Ticketing plans for Expo Milano 2015
11.10.1 The technology
11.10.2 Pre - sales
11.10.3 Sales channels to the public
11.10.4 Booking specific days
11.10.5 Bundling policy
12.1 Accommodation capacity: already sufficient to meet Expo demand
12.1.1 Accommodation capacity growth forecast
12.1.2 Specific investments for enhancing accommodation capacity in the Milan area
12.2 Pricing
12.3 The Expo Village for staff
12.4 Expo visitor accommodation capacity
12.5 Connections to accommodation facilities
13.1 Budget and Financial Guarantees
13.1.1 Financial guarantees
13.1.2 Price controls
13.2 Capital expenditures in infrastructure for Expo Milano 2015
13.2.1 Participation in infrastructure works by private interests
13.3 Operating costs and revenues from the event
13.3.1 Operating cost
13.3.2 Operating Revenues
13.4 Cash flow projections and hedging of financial risk
13.5 Budget for Expo Milano 2015
14.1 Local rental, architectural design and construction costs (labour and materials )
14.2 Participation incentives for developing countries
14.3 Current rates for materials, energy, customs duties, transportation, security, interpreter services, secretarial services, rental accommodation, hotels, and food
14.4 Participation cost summaries
14.5 Construction companies for the construction and maintenance of Expo facilities
14.6 Access by foreign workers and labour strike agreements
14.7 Monopolies for services such as shipping, cleaning, maintenance and security
15.1 The road to Expo sustainability
15.2 Methodology
15.2.1 Organisation, Event, Context
15.2.2 Expo Life Cycle: candidature, planning and design, management, closure and post - event
15.2.3 Expo-environment interactions
15.3 Territorial and urban context
15.4 Expo management and sustainability instruments
15.4.1 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
15.4.2 Eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)
15.4.3 Green procurement
15.4.4 Sustainable design and management of buildings and facilities
15.4.5 Environmental Consultative Assembly
15.4.6 Sustainability reporting
15.5 Proposals for sustainable energy use
15.5.1 Legislative framework
15.5.1 Energy production
15.5.2 Energy efficiency of buildings
15.5.3 Reductions in energy consumption and mobile source emissions
15.5.4 Incentives for sustainable energy use
16.1 Milan’s position
16.2 The choice of Milan for Expo 2015: the climate programme
16.3 The Climate Programme in detail: Phase A - Experimentation
16.3.1 Capacities and activities of the City of Milan municipal corporations
16.4 The Climate Programme in detail: Phase B - Systematisation
16.5 The Climate Programme in detail : Phase C - Offsetting
17.1 The risks
17.2 Operating concept
17.3 Planning
18.1 The National Health System in figures
18.2 The Lombard Health System in numbers
18.3 Emergency and Urgent Healthcare Service (118 Em.U.H.S)
18.4 Local system
18.5 Hospital network
18.6 Major Emergency System
18.7 Monitoring water destined for human consumption
18.8 Food security
18.9 Oversight system for infectious and contagious diseases
The Expo Milano 2015 volunteers will share the event's values and principles and play a crucial part in its success. It is a commitment that will enhance their sense of citizenship. They will be able to claim with pride that they helped organise an unforgettable World Exposition, as a member of the team that put on the biggest event in the region's history.
20.1 Technology to help visitors
20.2 Potential technological solutions
20.2.1 Consensus building
20.2.2 Supporting pre-Expo activities
20.2.3 Logistics and information
20.2.4 Co-operating on providing assistance
20.2.5 Innovative communication: Expo tells a story
20.2.6 A thrilling Expo
21.1 The economic and employment impact of the Expo
21.2 Infrastructural legacy
21.2.1 The post-Expo use of the exposition site
21.2.2 Improvement of the transport connections
21.2.3 The Waterways and the improvement of environmental attractions
21.2.4 The “Via di terra” and improvement interventions on the city
21.2.5 The Digital Platform
21.3 Intangible legacy
21.3.1 Reinforcement of competencies and human resources
21.3.2 Tourism
21.3.3 City Identity
21.3.4 Cases of sustainability best practices
21.3.5 Social development projects
21.4 Development projects related to the Expo theme
21.4.1 The City of Taste
21.4.2 The Telematic Food Exchange
21.4.3 International Best Practice Project
21.4.4 The Declaration of Expo Milano 2015

The Milan Expo will not occur in an isolated manner. Its programme
of events will integrate seamlessly into the overall national
programme of events in Italy. The country is already planning a great number of activities of international scope during the Expo period that will exert a st rong draw both for Italians and for visitors from abroad. The Expo will offer exce l lent opportunities for partners hips with other Italian cities for sister events that will catalyse the interest of millions of potential visitors.
1. The Water Way
2. The Land Way
Other studies supporting the estimates on the number
of visitors

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